21 avr. 2012

11 Questions Tag

 Hey guys !!
I am very happy today because .......I've been tagged by stylesincerity  
(Big thank you to you, Ayaan :P )

So Lets get started!!!!!


1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves on their blog.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus provide eleven questions for the people you have tagged to answer
3. Choose eleven people and link them in your tag
4. Go to their page and tell them
5. No tag backs!
6. You legitimately have to tag

1.I'm French Canadian and  biracial (from a black mom and a white dad, both from Canada :D )
2. I like to sleep on my stomach ! 
3. I'm 5,6 ... not tall enough :(
4. I love to eat celery and avocado
5. I'm obsessed with Sen Mitsuji
6.It's been six years since I do Taekwondo (every Tuesday and Thursday)
7.I don't have a favorite color
8.I want to have a black kitten  when I'll get older  
9.When I read ,I overthink
10.I know it's not going to happen but I want to be model once in my life
11. I dance 

1. What is one thing you love about yourself?
Physically, I love my eyes, but beside that, I like my  ability to speak with everyone easily.

2. What is your deepest regret?
It sound ''cliche'' but not saying '' I love you '' to a person I would never seen again...... was my deepest regret.
3. Describe your most embarrassing moment.

I vomited on someone ...

4. How do you handle people you don't like?
If they are people at school I don't do much , I just don't talk to them and if we talk I'll be nice that's all ... I don't really hate anyone beside my sis by that's normal ( just kidding).
5. What is your biggest hair care secret?
My biggest hair care secret is .......I stand very far from the flat iron ( If I use the falt iron  I put heatshield product before) and  I use a repair mask once a week for my hair.
6. If any, what piercings and tattoos do you have?
I know I want a tattoo behind the ear ( on my neck) but I don't know what yet.
7. Name a beauty product you cannot live without.
 Mascara of course !!!But I have to admit that it's hard to live without my BB cream too

8. Heels or flats?
 there's beautiful Heels out there but I preferred flat shoes  ( I'm only 16 and going with heels at school is not the best )

9. Can you speak any other languages? If so, which ones?
 As you all know .......French !!!
10. What is one thing you want to experience before you die?
I want to live in Japan for a while, try bungee jumping and parachuting too ( I know it's more than one thing  :S )
11.  State one song you love.

'' I don’t want to be just another,
Fighter without fire, nothing to inspire,
In a million years when we’re older
Finally we can be part of history''

1.Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
2.Name two person you admire a lot.
3. Why did you create a blog?
4. Curly or flat hair ?
5.Which country would you like to visit ?
6.Name your favorite artist.
7. What is you most hated movie ?
8. What is your favorite clothing brand ?
9. Dog, Cat or other?
10.What is the question most bizarre you were asked ?

11. What is your favorite dish ? 

 and I tag ........

2. Valley Of Bowser
3. StyleFoxHouse
4. Born for Joy
5. No Evil
6. Tights and Stripes
7. Candypop-Lamour
8. go cry wolf
9.Lovely Diary and Friends
10. passionately curious
11. ♥ ~ 珊珊

 Have a nice day

6 commentaires:

  1. Thanks for doing it! You're response to the heels or flats question is exactly how I feel too. Ah, your questions sound good as well :) x

    1. Haha creating 11 questions was hard to do !! don't you think so ???

  2. wow 5'6" is already very tall for a girl! maybe here in asia..haha..i wish i was as tall as u~

  3. Thanks for tagging me, sweet heart! I have already answered your questions, go there and check it out! :)


  4. Hi shawty! I am Cecilia and i find your blog amazing! but I have a boredom. I joined Blogger for some time and I don’t have enough members! Can you join my blog please I really need it and I promises to become member of your blog also thank you!

  5. I don't have a facebook page but blog loving yeah why not :D
