30 janv. 2011

January ..........

yeah it's been long...... since I wrote anything ... I'm not lazy but busy....realy busy 

          10 random things during the month of January
  1. A new astrological sign? ....... whatttt !
2.a girl asked me if she could touch my hair .... uh ... what? No!!!
3.my sister said I'm going to marry obama .... -_-'
4.it seems that the day  the most depressivev was....... January 15
5.guy: what color you are   Me: No sh * t! Blue
6.I finally got my solo beats white
7.happy birthday cynthia
8.I started wearing makeup( mac) ... yeah me.....
9DDR, just dance2and M-J  is now my life waaaaa!!!!
10.talk on the phone... all night
11.homework, homework,homeworkand homework (just to prove I was busy)

10 janv. 2011

mes vacances part 2

hey guys! ok first let me say that today was my first school day since the holidays and I must admit that getting up at 6 o'clock in the morning is very difficult but today it was also a beautiful day because the president of our school has finally let us  listen to our iPod in the hallways .^ -^


Cclo XOXoX

6 janv. 2011

mes vacances part 1


on dirait un vrai

un peu de lumière s.v.p
un toutou que j'ai gagné
domino jusqu'à minuit    
bonjour la routine, au revoir les vacances !
Cela fait vraiment longtemps que je n'est pas écrire sur mon blog ...... mais j'ai une excuse pour ça : je pense que le temps des fêtes est le moment de passer du bon temps avec sa famille . J'ai beaucoups voyager et pris des photos (avec ma caméra de  '' bonne qualité''.....-_-')
alors voici un petit résumer de mes vacances
j'espère que vous avez passé de belles vacances!