25 juil. 2011


Hey guys !
Here's the adventure I had  this  weekend

                                                                Let's get it started
So on the weekend I decided  to shop a shirt for my cute little shorts :

The first day I end up to get this:
elastic for the hair, lollipops, magazines, an eyeliner, a mascara and a cream-protective hair.

I bought this for in the plane: P and .......:

I fell for this clay. It is soft, lightness and air dried. It's a little  bit childish, but I like it . There were many choices of colors, but I chose the Yellow!

I made a rabbit and yellow marshmallows with the clay. 
I prefer the  marshmallows than the rabbit .  :)
 I didn't eat the marshmallow on top (one of my friend thought so lol)

after my first day search failed, I finally found something the next day for my shorts  and it was free(If I bought something in the store the other thing was free)

a friend of mine suggested that I should wear a camisole lace. So What do you think?

This weekend I fell in love with a song by Meg
her French accent is too cute

Here's the original song

So that was the adventure that I gad :P......

I have also bad news for you guys: this post may be the last for a while. I leaving for one month in Italy in a few days. I do not think I'll be able to go on the internet often :S 

 But I'll take lots of pictures for you guys XD

                                                                         keep smiling

....................................................see ya.......................................

18 juil. 2011

Because Lauren bacall said so !

Sorry  the quality of the images isn't very good :S

 Hey guys!
Long time no see!

This week I went shopped .. finally!
And everywhere there's
liquidation. It's crazy

So I went to  stores that I never go usually !

-The t-shirt I wear comes from Zara
-the shirt from Old Navy  
-The Shoes from H&M shoes 
-And The suitcase from bentley( I love it )

I also bought.....
shirt from aritzia( I have to find something to go with it .Any suggestion ?)

body cream (Love etc. ..... my favorite brand)
Blackhead Exfoliating Wash (Tea tree .. I love it
FRom The BODY SHOP :) 

I had a bracelet that my sister gave me from  Morocco

I bought other things  but ...... next time :D

Why a suitcase ? Because I going  to Italy on July 30 for a month  and my mom bought me this suitcase . I really  like it So I decided to take pictures with it :D 
                                                        ANYWAY..... SEE YA! 

9 juil. 2011


I always dreamed of having one......
lol not this one :P
But like that : 

I finally bought one, but I don't wear it often, (only one time )  : S

You know when you try on something , you're like: Wow I was born for this. 
But at home you're like what a mistake!
this is my life  :(


You know what, if you love something  be proud of it .
Now I love it
and I'm comfortable in it : P

have you already had something that you love  end after you regret it to have it  ???  me ,all the time ( almost :S)

                                 Did you notice my hair??????????????


its been a while since I did  use the flat iron
The hairdresser said that she work's  better with my hair like that.
I like it  but the only problem is that once wet my hair curl again 

I prefer my hair naturally, that makes me who I am !

...................................................................... SEE YA !......................................................................

2 juil. 2011

canada day !!

a short post  to say :

Happy Canada Day 

So Yesterday was Canada Day! (July 1)
And to celebrate, my family and I went to Ottawa.
There were so many people, it was crazy, but I liked .

parliament of canada

on the bridge

the museum of civilization ( in gatineau)

National Gallery of Canada

1st Prime Minister of Canada.....

John A. Macdonald